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More Efficent Sitefinity Breadcrumb


The Sitefinity breadcrumb widget works well, however it’s got a couple things you might want to fix…

  1. It sends down a RadSiteMap stylesheet…the whole thing I’m estimating about 4k, probably a bit less with Gzip…regardless, it’s larger than you need.  Most designers call for their own style anyway, so just wipe and start from scratch.

  2. This is a bug with most simpleview based controls.  Without the Render function modified they’re wrapped in empty elements.  In this case an empty div wraps the entire control (no class or anything to get a handle on it).

So just create a new class somewhere in your project, paste this in (adjust the namespace), then in settings use it over the base breadcrumb.

It’ll be a MARGINAL amount of work to style it, but saves bytes :)

@Telerik, please feel free to make these core :)


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