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Adding Disqus to your Sitefinity 4 site


disqus logo

Ok, so since the release of Sitefinity 4, we’ve been saddled with a pretty basic commenting system…for example still we have no hierarchical threads, email notification system, and no ability to add a thread to a generic page.  At the very least I’d like to get an email when I get a comment so I don’t have to check back daily for feedback right?

So, say goodbye to Sitefinity Comments, and hello to DISQUS on sitefinitysteve!

Note 2020-09-24

These are now in a Github repo you can fork and use
Check it out here

Later versions of Sitefinity now DO contain a native comment widget, although it’s really bare bones, if not bad. Disqus still might be a good idea, I just don’t have MVC widgets.

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